Eaglesfield Park Neighbourhood Watch Scheme have organised a festive event in Eaglesfield Park next Thursday, 6th December at 6:30pm, with the choirs of Plumcroft and Christ Church Schools singing seasonal songs. Their e-mail about the event said:
I am delighted to confirm that the Eaglesfield Park Neighbourhood Watch Scheme is hosting our first ever Songs in the Park event on Thursday 6 December, from 6:30 to 7:30pm in the children’s play area in Eaglesfield Park (weather permitting).
If the heavens open, the entire event will be hosted in the Woolwich and Plumstead Bowls Club!
We would be delighted if you would join the EPNWS scheme co-ordinators, plus 60 children from Plumcroft and Christ Church Primary Schools to sing up to 12 festive songs and enjoy some mulled wine and mince pies.
The event showcases the terrific partnership work between Plumcroft and Christ Church Primary Schools and Neighbourhood Watch and helps to promote community spirit.
Please wear appropriate clothing and come armed with a torch and/or battery operated lights.
The current weather forecast for Thursday evening is light rain showers and 4°C, so we’ll need to wear warm clothing and bring an umbrella.
Eaglesfield Park has been particularly beautiful recently – the epitome of autumnal mists and mellow fruitfulness – as you can see in the photographs below, and there are more in my ever-increasing sequence of Lilly Pond photographs on Flickr.