Barry Gray from Woodlands Farm e-mailed with details of two events at the farm in the next couple of weeks: The Big Lunch on Sunday 2nd June and a week later Open Farm Sunday on 9th June. He wrote:
The Big Lunch on 2nd June is part of the national Big Lunch and a chance to bring a picnic lunch to the farm and eat it in a traditional hay meadow amongst the butterflies, bees and wild flowers. If it rains we have a large barn available to eat lunch in.
The idea for The Big Lunch originated with the Eden Project and is part-funded by the Big Lottery Fund. It started in 2009 with the aim of getting as many people as possible to have lunch with their neighbours once a year, helping to create more cohesive communities. Last year 8.5million people took part.
Barry continued:
The second event is Open Farm Sunday on 9th June. This is the chance for the community to visit their local farm to find out how it works. Because Woodlands Farm is focused on conservation and traditional low impact farming methods there will be lots of opportunity to take guided nature and birdsong walks, activities for children, meet some of our rare breed cattle, sheep and pigs, see machinery in action and much, much more!
Open Farm Sunday was started in 2006 by LEAF (Linking Environment And Farming) and this year will see hundred of farms across the country open on the 9th, including Mudchute Farm and Stepney City Farm as well as Woodlands. Woodlands Farm is open from 9.30am to 4.30pm.