Steve Daly, one of the Trustees of the Severndroog Castle Building Preservation Trust, contacted me to say that the long-awaited restoration work on the castle had started. He wrote
Restoration work started at Severndroog Castle on Monday 10 June with completion due mid-December.
The contractor is Hilton Abbey a company based in the borough of Greenwich.
The Trust would appreciate support from the local community in reporting to the police any suspicious activity/vandalism at the Castle while building work is in progress.
Hilton Abbey, the Greenwich-based company selected to do the work, have previously worked on The Royal Observatory and The Queen’s House in Greenwich. Work on the latter was highly commended by the Painting and Decorating Association.
The trust were recently granted planning permission and listed building consent for for applications 13/0228/F and 13/0229/L which describe the programme of repairs and alterations to the castle. The Design and Access Statement that forms part of the application includes this statement about the future use of Severndroog:
The restored building would provide for the following proposed uses:
• Education for all ages: children, elderly people and people with learning disabilities.
• An exhibition about the Castle and its history.
• Visits to see the view from each storey and from the roof.
• A focus for walkers and wildlife visits.
• Light refreshments served indoors and outdoors.
• Private hiring for weddings, functions and meetings.
I’m looking forward to seeing the views from the top of the castle again.

I have just moved to the area and would love to get involved in helping with the Severndroog Castle project. Is there a contact name who would be best to speak to?
Many thanks,
Ed, I am Barry Gray, chair of the Severndroog Castle Building Preservation Trust. Thanks for your inquiry, sorry it has taken so long to get back. You are most welcome to join in. We are pretty busy at present and unfortunately we have a major security issue at the castle at present that is taking up a lot of our time. Send me an e mail with some background and perhaps you could come to our next progress meeting. Barry Gray