The Friends of the Pet Cemetery Charlton have just launched their new web site, The Old Blue Cross Pet Cemetery, with the URL http://www.oldbluecrosspetcemetery.org.uk/
It has a lot of interesting information about the cemetery, including the history of its development from its start as the Blue Cross Quarantine Kennels in the years following the First World War, when it was used to house pets brought home by returning servicemen. There are some great archive photos, as well as pictures of how it has changed since the Friends took over responsibility for looking after it. There are also details of how to become a member of the Friends, for only £2 a year, and how to have a plaque commemorating a pet put on the memorial wall.
The events page announces their first open day next summer on 9th July 2016 and the dates of their regular clean-up sessions.
Liz, the Friends’ Chair, who wrote to tell me about the web site said that they would welcome feedback on the website either by through their Facebook page or by contacting the Chair or Secretary whose details are on the closing page of the site.
I’ve updated the links on the right to include this new local web site.