The Friends of Shrewsbury Park celebrate their tenth birthday this year and have arranged a packed programme of events to mark the anniversary, starting with a bramble clearing session this Saturday. Kathy, the Friends’ Chair, e-mailed the details:
We are holding a cutting back bramble hour on Saturday 19th March, at 11am. If you are able to help, please meet at the crossroads of Dothill and the Green Chain walk (the bottom of the concrete path that leads down from the car park). Please bring stout gloves and your secateurs and loppers, we would appreciate your help. If it rains, the event will not take place.
The 2016 events include bird, butterfly and bat walks, and a history walk, plus the ever entertaining dog show. The full programme is:
March 19th: Clearing brambles
April 30th: Bird identification walk
May 21st: Tree identification walk
June 4th: Clearing brambles
June 11th: Summer Festival
June 12th: Dog Show
July 16th: Butterfly identification walk
July 22nd: Historical walk
September 2nd: Bat walk
September 3rd: Clearing brambles
October 18th: AGM
The Friends have also re-built their web site and are regularly adding new content, it can be found at http://fspark.org.uk/ They would welcome feedback on the site. I think it’s looking pretty good.