The Friends of Eaglesfield Park and some local parents are planning to clean-up and paint the children’s playground in the park this weekend and would welcome help.
Bridget from the Friends sent me details:
Friends of Eaglesfield Park need your help
We want to tidy up our playground in time for the summer, as we think it’s looking a little tired and old.
Can you volunteer some time?
Clean Up: Sat 20th July. Any time between 10am-1pm
Paint: Sunday 21st July. Any time between 3-6pm.
We will provide as much equipment as we can. But if you can bring any of the following that would be great: wire brushes, shovels/hoes, brooms, paint brushes/trays and anything else that will help us to prepare and paint the equipment or clean the floors/surfaces.
Light refreshments will be provided. So, stick on your old clothes, bring along your friends and family and we hope to see you over the weekend!
For further information e-mail foepse18@gmail.com
Sound like a good way to spend some time in lovely Eaglesfield Park.
The Friends are also hoping to set up a team to begin fundraising over the coming winter to get some new play equipment into the park next Spring. Do get in touch with them if you can help with this.