The Friends of Eaglesfield Park‘s rescheduled pond clearance will now take place this Sunday, 19th January 2020, between 9.00am and 2.00pm, and they would welcome volunteers to help. Bridget sent me details:
Friends of Eaglesfield Park Need You!
Annual Pond Clearing
Can you spare any time between 9am – 2pm on Sunday 19th January 2020 to take part in our Annual Pond Clearing? (Re-arranged from November)
Residents and park users will be joining forces with Greenwich Council Parks Department staff to help clear the overgrowth of plants in and around the pond so that it can continue to thrive when Spring comes, and new life begins!
Giving even an hour of your time would be so helpful.
Bring gardening gloves, garden rakes and forks if you have them.
Just turn up on the day or for more information call: 07734810402
There are more details on the Friends’ website, together with information about their plans for the refurbishment of the park playground. The Friends are also on Facebook and Twitter.