The Friends of Eaglesfield Park will be holding their first, (much-needed) annual pond clearing session next Sunday, 1st November and would welcome help.
They gave the details on their FaceBook page:
Thanks to Quaggy Environmentalists for coming to explore the pond this morning and give us some advice on how to proceed.
Sunday 1st November will now be our first clearance session. If you would like to help do let us know. Waterproofs, waders, boots, thick gloves and tools would all be useful if you are coming and we will work in small groups to comply with social distancing so do let us know how many will be in your bubble.
Meeting at 10am at the Lily pond.
It was beautiful up there this morning and we spotted loads of fungi.
If you work with a youth group, corporate volunteers scheme or other network who would like to know about Sunday or future dates do please send us a message here. We would love to have your help and can talk through a safe way to get involved.
It’s a lot of fun, and it will be very satisfying to make some space for next year’s family of ducklings.