Title: Woodlands Farm Summer Show
Location: Woodlands Farm
Link out: Click here
Description: All are welcome at the Woodlands Farm Trust Summer Show. Come and meet our animals, and enjoy the chance to buy quality local produce at reasonable prices, including home-made preserves, cakes and honey. Relax in our café, or get involved in craft activities and games, including the tug-of-war and pony rides. Enjoy displays of country crafts, including sheep shearing, wool spinning, and bee keeping. All proceeds go towards caring for our animals. A great family day out! Time: 11.00-16.30 £3.00 adults, £1.50 concessions and children aged 6-16. Children aged 5 and under go free. Venue: The Woodlands Farm Trust 331 Shooters Hill, Welling, Kent, DA16 3RP 020 8319 8900
Start Time: 11:00
Date: 2009-06-07
End Time: 16:30