…of madness!
The Newsshopper’s Nina Massey recently published a report on the local opposition to the pavement widening at Brinklow Crescent (which according to the paper is in Eltham, oops, wonder how that mistake happened!). Brinklow is a `true’ crescent, and its semi-circular shape curves round the hillside elegantly to meet Plum Lane at each tip. Both junctions have been modified, although it’s the changes on the west side that seem to be causing the most controversy.
It’s a curious tale because the work, which was carried out in the name of pedestrian safety, and includes tactile paving, a raised crossing at pavement level, and a wider pavement, has also created a narrower road, which has led to difficulties with cars passing each other…
Apparently someone from the council is going to meet the residents to talk this through.
Here’s the report:
GREENWICH Council has apologised to residents for failing to consult with them over residential roadworks.
No consultation was carried out before roadworks started on April 4 to narrow the entrances to Brinklow Crescent in Eltham.
Mother of two, Inderjit Gill, said: “We just don’t know why they’ve done it and what is even worse is that we weren’t consulted.
“Two cars used to be able to pass at the same time, but now that’s not possible.”
The 50-year-old added: “I don’t accept the council’s apology. It’s too late now and the damage has been done.”
Greenwich council has said the works were carried out to improve safety for cyclists and pedestrians.
Paul Revel, a web editor who has lived on the road for almost 10 years said: “In all the time I’ve been living here, I have not witnessed any issues with pedestrian or cyclist safety.
“I would have liked to be told what was happening, especially as we ultimately pay for the road works.”
A spokesman for the council said: “Local residents should have been consulted on these proposals and we apologise that this usual process was not followed on this occasion. “
“Council officers are investigating how this error occurred so that we can ensure it does not happen again.”
Here’s some photos of what it used to look like, (taken from streetview pictures which were I believe last done in 2009).

This is the western tip of the Crescent, as can be seen it is quite wide for pedestrians, although apparently it’s historically safe, and there’s no official record of any accidents there going back as far as 1995.

This is the eastern tip of the Crescent, it certainly has a commanding view of casino wharf. Again, according to records, pedestrians here also appear to have been historically good at car avoidance.
So, altogether this raises two questions: (a) why did these road safety works happen when they did – are they part of a wider plan for the area? (b) why haven’t members of the community been involved – if they had been, would it have been done differently, or at all?