I notice the Royal Borough of Greenwich has re-vamped the planning applications search facility, which may explain why my regular PlanningFinder e-mails have been a bit brief recently, and why links to planning documents in old e-shootershill posts no longer work. A quick browse through recent applications in the Shooters Hill ward revealed some interesting applications.
Severndroog Castle Building Preservation Trust have applications for planning and listed building consent for their long-awaited programme of repairs and alterations to the castle which are part funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund. The summary for applications 13/0228/F and 13/0229/L on the planning page is:
Repairs and alterations including new external steps and landing, new 2 metre high perimeter security fence and gates, infilling of two external door openings, new sliding glazed doors to main entrance, new kitchen and toilet facilities, replacement of lead roofing and timber viewing platform, new electricity supply cubicle. Installation of new and replacement mechanical, electrical and telephone services in connection with the above.
I believe the work is as described in their 2010 applications 10/0346/F and 10/0136/L. There will be a café on the ground floor, a space for functions on the first floor and an education space on the second floor. There will also be access to the viewing platform at the top, which has great views over London (and a video feed for those unable to climb to the top). The documents submitted with planning applications are often a great source of historical information. In this case the 10/0346/F Conservation Management Plan provides an excellent summary of the history of Severndroog Castle, complete with maps and copies of paintings, engravings and photographs of the castle from the early 19th century onwards.
I’m looking forward to the re-opening of the castle and another chance to enjoy the view over the city from a platform that is 46 feet above the cross on St Paul’s Cathedral.

Further down the hill in Red Lion Lane it is proposed in application 13/0186/F to convert the former Eagle Tavern into 5 flats:
Conversion of existing Public House into 5 flats consisting of 1 x 3-bed, 2 x 2-bed and 2 x 1-bed self contained flats. | THE EAGLE TAVERN, 78 RED LION LANE, PLUMSTEAD, LONDON, SE18 4LE
The application says that the “street scene will not alter ” as a result of the conversion. The frontage of the pub will be retained, but a light-well will be excavated at the front of the building to allow windows for the basement flats. The style of these windows will be carried down from the feature windows of the pub. There will also be a pair of light-wells at the back of the building.
Yet another pub lost. Any comments about the application need to be in by 09/04/2013.

Another planning application, 13/0495/F, proposes major changes at All Saints Church on Herbert Road:
Demolition of existing parish hall, erection of a new parish/community hall and vicarage, parking and associated works, remodelling of church entrance to provide level entry.(Reconsultation). | ALL SAINTS CHURCH, HERBERT ROAD, WOOLWICH, LONDON, SE18 3QH
The idea is to replace the old church hall that is to the right of the church with a new 4-bedroom vicarage and to build a new church hall on the Ripon Road facing grassed area to the left of the church, which the agents acting for the church describe as “surplus land”. The new church hall would be single storey, sedum-roofed and connected with the rear of the church. The Church wish to replace the old timber-framed prefabricated church hall because it is in extremely poor condition, uneconomical to repair, has poor accessibility and is inadequate to the community’s needs. They also feel the old vicarage is unsuitable because it is too large to economically heat and furnish and it doesn’t allow separation of the public and private aspects of the incumbent’s life.
The development is to be funded by selling the vicarage, over the road at 106 Herbert Road and, more controversially, building two 3-bedroom terraced houses, a 2-bedroomed flat and a 1-bedroomed flat on the back garden of the vicarage in Ripon Road. Sounds to me like a bit of garden grabbing. The covering letter for the application says:
These proposals are directly linked to our clients’ residential proposals on land adjoining no. 30 Ripon Road. A planning application seeking outline consent for the erection of 2×3 bed terraced units, 1×2 bed and 1×1 bed flats is submitted simultaneously with this application. From the details accompanying both applications it will be noted that the two developments are closely linked and for this reason it is requested that both proposals are determined together.
I couldn’t find the second planning application on the Royal Greenwich web site, and it is not clear whether it is still possible to comment on either application – the comments tab for application 13/0495/F says that “Comments may not be submitted at this time”. Together these applications would be a significant change to that small area.
Update: A notice on the lamp post near the church in Ripon Road says that comments should be sent to the council before 16th April 2013.
I guess the Royal Borough of Greenwich planning page changes are still bedding in. They didn’t allow me to register to make comments – giving the message “Unable to complete your registration – Unable to send confirmation e-mails at this time. Please try again later.”