The Ministry of Defence has decided that a Ground Based Air Defence (GBAD) System will be deployed in Oxleas Meadows, on Blackheath and 4 other sites across East London during this summer’s Olympics. The MoD announcement said that the Rapier missiles will be in put place in the middle of July.
The announcement was made despite opposition from people living near the missile sites, including a protest march from Oxleas Wood to Blackheath and the ongoing legal action by the residents of Fred Wigg Tower in Leytonstone. This is due to be heard next Monday, July 9th, at the Royal Courts of Justice.
It seems that even the power of the Corky Fruited Water Dropwort was not enough to stop the missiles.
Hullo everyone,
Does anyone know how much of Oxleas Woods and Oxleas Meadows will be closed to the public during the missile deployment?
For some years I’ve acted as a walk leader for the Green Chain Walk and Walk London. On Friday 19th / Saturday 20th I’m leading an overnight walk on the GCW from Crystal Palace to Erith. Usually I’d expect us to be at the Café at about 4.30am for a 5.00am sunrise over Shrewsbury Park. Will I have to arrange a detour? I don’t want us to get arrested on the way!
Incidentally, may I post details of this walk here?
Many thanks
Ian Bull
When the missile battery was deployed in May only a small area of Oxleas Meadows was fenced off, and, for example, the Oxleas Bluebell Walk took place with no disruption. I haven’t seen anything to suggest that a larger area will closed for the real deployment, and although that’s no guarantee I would hope local people would be informed if there is to be a change.
Your walk sounds interesting. If you e-mail details I’d be happy to post them here.