Have you lost a black cat? Linda was in touch to say that they have found a black cat and are desperately trying to find its owners. Please call Linda on 07717 248636 if you think the cat might be yours.
Ye who have a spark in your veins of cockney spirit, smile or mourn acccording as you take things well or ill;— Bold Britons, we are now on Shooter's Hill!
Please can you encourage everyone in the borugh to use Cats Protection Greenwich website for lost and found cats, and for rehoming. We are encouraging one central place where everyone can go for consistency. Thanks
Hi Jenny,
The Cats Protection Greenwich were the first people we notified and the cat is on their website as found. We were hoping that a posting on e shooters hill would enhance the search for the owners. Fingers crossed!
For any other lost or found cats, Cats Protection Greenwich “Lost & Found” page is at http://www.greenwich.cats.org.uk/greenwich/lost-and-found. Lost and Found cats can be reported through their Helpline on 020 8853 8666, option 4, or email eva@catsgn.org.uk