The Friends of Eaglesfield Park will be hard at work next Sunday, 18th August, tidying and weeding at the Lilly Pond starting at 11.00am. The pond will also be open for some pond dipping. They would welcome any assistance with the tidying, as Madeleine from the Friends writes:
We really would welcome your help and support to ensure that the pond and wildlife meadow continue to flourish. If you can spare some time to help with weeding or litter picking it would be very much appreciated. We know from comments received from visitors to the park that the pond area provides a wonderful focal point and is much valued by the local community. It is also attracting a wide range of wildlife. I like to think of it as “the little oasis on the hill” and believe there is so much potential for further development. It would be really terrible if everything became overgrown and neglected.
We are meeting Sunday 18th August between 11 am and 1pm to carry out pond and meadow tidying up. Could you join us, whatever time you can spare will be helpful?
Pond Dipping will also be available, we have the equipment – so bring the family !
The Friends work in the park was recently recognised with the award of a Green Flag by environmental charity Keep Britain Tidy.