All are welcome at a community clean-up session in Mayplace Lane next Sunday, 2nd March starting at 11.00am. Nicola wrote with details:
Mayplace Lane community clean-up day Sunday March 2nd from 11am
All helpers welcome! A chance to meet neighbours and help us clear rubbish and help build a haven for wildlife in our community. This is the second event after our successful clear up in December, this spring bulbs we planted are coming up and I hope to get out tomorrow and plant some flowers at the junction at Plum lane. Since December there has been only 1 fly tip, making the lane look cared for is acting as a deterrent to fly tipping and other antisocial activity.
Greenwich council should (–they failed to deliver this last time so bare this in mind!) provide us with litter grabbers, gloves and bags. Please bring any tools (rakes, secateurs, hand tools, buckets) you have, or just yourself! We are working from Plum lane down to Dallin Road section.
If you have anything stored in the lane you may wish to move it to ensure it is not thrown away. If you can mention this to your neighbours so they are also aware.
There about 20 people helping at the last clean-up in December and it made a big difference to the Lane. But let’s hope that this clean up is less eventful than the last!