Title: GB4SH – From The Top of Shooters Hill
Location: The Bull
Link out: http://www.radioclubs.net/cvrs/events.php?events_id=1667
Description: At 132 m or 432 feet above sea level, the top of Shooters Hill has long played a part in communications; from bronze age barrows that could be seen from the thames, to the antennas and dishes that cover the hilltop today, so it’s no surprise that local radio enthusiasts are going to try their equipment out here this weekend, I wonder how far they will be able to reach?
For those hill dwellers who are not celebrating a late pancake day at a certain hill in west london, or scooting down to the south coast for a long weekend, it’s nice to know that the bull are putting on something a bit different for the last bank holiday of summer.
Start Time: 12:00
Date: 2009-08-30
End Time: 20:00
Just came across your web-site -we are planning to operate on 28th August this year – entry GB4SH has been amended on QRZ.COM
Regards, Cliff G4HSU