Ian Bull, who frequently leads walks on the Green Chain Path, has been in touch about two walks he is leading this weekend as part of Walk London‘s Autumn Ambles Weekend. On Saturday he is leading a Green Chain Megawalk:
Saturday 28th sees the seventh ‘Green Chain Megawalk’. This very popular 21.5 mile stroll leaves Crystal Palace railway station at 09.15, arrives at the Oxleas Wood café at about 14.30, and finishes by the Thames at Erith at about 18.30. The aim is see many of the really good parts of the Green Chain in one day at average walking pace. A packed lunch is essential and there are more details here http://www.walk4life.info/events/londons-ultimate-walk-the-green-chain-megawalk . One of the best aspects of this walk is the excellent camaraderie generated between participants, some making life-long friends.
Look out for, and be careful of, the Hornets’ nest in a hollow tree just down the hill from the old concrete tank in Oxleas Wood.

Then on Sunday there is the Unknown Delights and Gems in South East London walk, which takes in Eltham Palace, Eltham College, the River Quaggy and Chinbrook Meadows, Elmstead and Marvels Woods, Avery Hill Park and Oxleas Wood:
Sunday 29th sees us exploring attractive parts of the Green Chain that haven’t featured in Walk London’s programme before. Indeed, few organised walks have. This 10.5 mile walk starts at Eltham railway station at 12.00 and will finish at the Oxleas Wood café at about 17.00. There will then be an extension for those interested down to Plumstead Common via Shrewsbury Park for trains from Plumstead railway station. Again a packed lunch is essential for people who won’t have already eaten by the state time. We’ll take lunch either at King John’s playing fields in Southern Eltham or at Chinbrook Meadows depending on what the walkers want to do. There are more details here http://www.walk4life.info/events/unknown-delights-and-gems-south-east-london.
There’s no need to book for these walks. Ian can be contacted for more details on ianbull at btinternet dot com.
Sounds a great weekend for walkers.

Hullo Hilly,
Thanks very much for mentioning these walks. I do hope that many from Shooters Hill will come along as the walks are always most enjoyable.
We’ll pass the hornets nest on both days so I shall be keeping a look out!
All the best – Ian