Lots going on at the Friends of Shrewsbury Park this spring: a tree identification walk this Sunday, 28th April, then a bat walk and foraging walk, plus there’s news of their Summer Festival and calendar photography competition.
The Friends‘ e-mail gave the details of the upcoming walks:
Tree Identification Walk – Sunday 28 April 2019 at 2pm
Led by John Denton, an expert in local flora and fauna, you’ll learn more than you ever dreamt of about the trees in the park, how they’ve survived and thrived, how old they are and much more!
Meet at Plum Lane (Car Park area) by the information boardBAT WALK – Friday 3 May, start time 8pm – 1 ½ hours approx
Our knowledgeable bat guide, Les Clark, will be leading this spring walk around the park, starting at the notice board next to the car park. He’ll give a quick briefing on bat facts and how to tune in the bat detectors.
Wear sturdy shoes and bring a small torch as eyes adjust to the dark. The walk includes a mix of terrain so please bear that in mind when booking. Dogs are welcome if kept on a lead. Any questions please contact werfsp@gmail.com
Pre book on EventBrite (link to follow) as we have a 50 person limit. The event is free, but donations are welcome as they go towards a second bat detector for members’ use.
Another bat walk is scheduled for 23 August in case you miss this one.
If it rains neither bats nor humans will turn up!Foraging Walk – Sunday 12 May at 2.30pm
The amazing Kevin Godby will be leading a walk around the park, demonstrating what you can and can’t eat. He’ll also talk about how our ancestors would have selected particular leaves and berries to supplement their diet.
Meeting point will be the Dothill (Garland Road park entrance) | No dogs please | spaces limited to 30
To book a place on the bat walk go to: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/bat-walk-shrewsbury-park-se18-tickets-55871554323

The Friends have announced the date for this year’s Summer Festival: Sunday 21st July from 12 to 4pm. If you’re interested in having a stall at the Festival, which is part of the Royal Borough of Greenwich’s well-publicised “ParkFest” then you’ll need to send in an application form, available on the Friends’ website, by the end of April.
The Summer Festival includes the Friend’s Calendar photograph competition. They e-mailed details:
Annual Calendar competition
If you have been with us for more than a year, you’ll be aware that we run an annual photography competition for our members to contribute the great photos which appear in our calendar. Winners receive a copy of the calendar – and the glory of having their picture and name in print!
We’re sure you have some super shots that you’ve captured in the park – so why not enter them? You can enter a maximum of 3 photographs. they must be at least 2mb in size
You need to be a member, but membership is free and you can sign up via our website.
Send us your entries today
Deadline for Entries
Entries will be judged at our Festival on Sunday 21 July – entries should be emailed to us along with your name!
Send them to werfsp@gmail.com by our deadline of midnight on 28 June 2019.
All photos entered need to be of good resolution – typically at least 2mb (megabytes) in size. We’re printing it in square format so do make sure it will resize successfully.
Don’t forget a catchy caption to go with it!
Some great reasons to visit the park this spring!